Agoric Testnet-7 Validator Node Setup On VPS

Trinh Dinh
2 min readMar 27, 2021

Okay, so i’m on the whitelist, after successful verification, I was selected to join the test network, and now, I need to set up my node to be ready to go.

Running the authenticator requires a sufficiently powerful machine and good uptime.

You should select an all-purpose server with at least 4 GB of RAM, good connectivity, and a solid-state drive with at sufficient disk space.

So I opted to install on vps. I choose hetzner provider (good configuration and great uptime for me)

Start the installation, i follow the instructions:

Really, this is the easiest install of all the projects I’ve ever run. My job is just copy and paste. Easy and no problem.

After completing the installation steps, wait a few minutes and check again with ag-cosmos-helper status 2> & 1 | jq .SyncInfo

My node is fully synced

Register the validator node.

Next step, Connect your validator to prometheus analytics, i have a bit of difficulty, when cant open port 9464 , so can’t setup Agoric VM (SwingSet) metrics. Thanks pkr / # 9983 for helping me with this problem.

And here is results:

Overall, the installation is simple, easy, and no error. My node is up, running fine and ready for the next steps.



Trinh Dinh

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